Thank you for your interest in Shoebox Bookkeeping Inc.
Our office hours are generally 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday thru Friday, but can vary due to other commitments. It's best to call or email for an appointment.
We can be reached by phone any time during the day.
Address: 20965 Limestone Ave, Bend OR 97703
Phone: 541-382-4795
Phone: 541-382-4795
Fax: 541-383-1482
Our office hours are generally 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday thru Friday, but can vary due to other commitments. It's best to call or email for an appointment.
We can be reached by phone any time during the day.
Address: 20965 Limestone Ave, Bend OR 97703
Phone: 541-382-4795
Phone: 541-382-4795
Fax: 541-383-1482
Directions from Bend
- Head north on highway 97 to Deschutes Junction and turn off on the Tumalo road exit
- Turn right on Graystone Lane
- Turn right on Tumalo Road
- Turn right on 78th street
- Turn left on Limestone Avenue
- Watch for 20965 Limestone Ave on left side
Directions from Redmond
- Head south on highway 97 to Deschutes Junction and turn off on the Tumalo road exit
- Turn right on Tumalo road
- Turn right on 78th street
- Turn left on Limestone Avenue
- Watch for 20965 Limestone Ave on left side
Directions from Sisters
- Head east on highway 20 to Tumalo
- Turn left into Tumalo on 5th, 7th or Cook Ave (Cline Falls Highway)
- Head north on Cline Falls Highway
- Turn right on Tumalo road
- Turn left on 78th street
- Turn left on Limestone Avenue
- Watch for 20965 Limestone Ave on left side
- Head north on highway 97 to Deschutes Junction and turn off on the Tumalo road exit
- Turn right on Graystone Lane
- Turn right on Tumalo Road
- Turn right on 78th street
- Turn left on Limestone Avenue
- Watch for 20965 Limestone Ave on left side
- Head south on highway 97 to Deschutes Junction and turn off on the Tumalo road exit
- Turn right on Tumalo road
- Turn right on 78th street
- Turn left on Limestone Avenue
- Watch for 20965 Limestone Ave on left side
- Head east on highway 20 to Tumalo
- Turn left into Tumalo on 5th, 7th or Cook Ave (Cline Falls Highway)
- Head north on Cline Falls Highway
- Turn right on Tumalo road
- Turn left on 78th street
- Turn left on Limestone Avenue
- Watch for 20965 Limestone Ave on left side